vendredi 25 juin 2021

Painting week!

 Hello Friends,

I am still very busy at the moment. After I found the firms to change the doors and windows of the house, found the firm to change the boiler, we decided to have the boiler room painted And change the furniture in that room.

I have a before picture and will show you the after picture when finished!

The weather is still the same , Autumn weather! Cold and wet!

Tomorrow, we are going to choose the paint and Monday the painter is coming.

It is a small room. I think I will choose a light grey or beige colour. The boiler will be white, a much better colour than orange!

I must find «  on a budget » white kitchen cupboard.

Before we sell the house when Mr L retires it was necessary to do it.

So, as you can see we are busy at the moment, but I will try to continue my visits on your blogs. I will post pictures of the making over.

I wish you a nice Weekend .

7 commentaires:

  1. It's cool and rainy here too - and supposed to rain all week!
    Looking forward to seeing the progress of the work in your house.

  2. It is beyond hot here. Such extreme weather all over. I think your house makeover will be gorgeous! And necessary, as you say.

  3. a very small area to work in! I quite like an orange boiler as it's my favourite colour :)

  4. i agree to have white boiler rather than orange :)
    best of luck for all the make over my friend !

    blessings to you and family!

  5. I like the sound of your new colour scheme. It should look good and make your room look more spacious as well. Have fun with your renovations :)

  6. I hope summer weather comes soon for you. Here the heat is unbearable and most unusual. Your new painting will make the boiler room look bright and fresh.

  7. It is so good to see the look of the cat now. Love can heal. Your room will be very nice with the new colors.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!