jeudi 1 août 2024

Another very big storm!

Waiting for the dentist! 🦷 

 Hello Friends !

Yesterday, we had a terrible weather. 🌦️ 

Suddenly in the afternoon after a very hot and damp weather, we had a violent storm, hail banging the doors and windows, thunder and finally very heavy rain!

I really was scared when the lightning hit something three times maybe the church steeple close to our garden.

Around us, many trees down, flooded towns and houses power cuts …one house took fire hit by a lightening bolt. This afternoon the appointment I hate to go… the dentist!  and then back home to watch the Olympic Games. Yesterday after the storm we lost 10 C degrees, today it’s better to breathe  but we had 3 weeks rain in one hour yesterday!

The temperature is going up again and I’ll stay inside.

Two weeks ago I went to see the sales and found this.
An embroidered shirt a light jacket and linen trousers .

The bag is one the bags my DIL gifted me from Dubai.
It’s a big shopping bag very useful!

I just had Maxime on Skype and he was sad and said “ I will take a plane and a car and come to see you at your home” he is often asking to come and visit us and wants to go in our garden he told me it was too hot and could not go out. Grandma will take a plane as soon as the heat will come down!

4 commentaires:

  1. Glad you were ok in that storm!
    Your purchases are very nice.
    I love that Maxime wants to visit again. So sweet!

  2. That's how lightning struck last year next to our house and burned our TV! How difficult for Maxim who doesn't have you near him! I wish the reunion soon!

  3. We have never had such a violent storm here in summer. It must be a shock.
    Maxime doesn't understand distance, but he sure has fallen in love with you and your home.

  4. What a storm you had with that heavy rain and also lightning!!
    Your new clothes look very smart.


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