jeudi 8 août 2024

Lighting the cupboard.

 Hello Friends!

Today, this morning I went to get some more paint. Fortunately they had just what I needed.

I bought some led lamps that will light when I open the doors.

I continue the painting and I will put some lights on each shelf and when the paint will end I’ll do the door wallpaper.

Next week we will have 35 degrees C or 95 degrees F !
Nearly as hot as in Dubai 40C.
Today it is cloudy and not so hot we may have rain during the night it will be welcomed!
See you soon. Thank you for coming.

2 commentaires:

  1. We had really hot weather over the weekend and then it cooled off a lot. I hope the heat isn't long lasting for you.
    Your cupboard is going to look great!

  2. It was about 30 degrees here today. The house stays fairly cool and I am glad for that. Lights in your cupboard will be so useful!


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