vendredi 9 août 2024

A falling day !

Cleaned and back in place 

 Today, I got up early as one of the lamp for my cupboard did not work so i had to change it.

Then I went to get a card and wrapping paper for the grandchildren’s parcel 📦 I did not have time to send it before, and I went back to my painting. I painted the top shelf and wanted to finish by the button one! BUT…I had to go down …and I lost my balance ( it is not the first time since I had my spine cord surgery) I fall backwards against the table where I had put all my glasses on, so no need to say that a lot have been broken! At first I really wanted to cry because among them were my wedding crystal glasses , but I was “ safe” 😂 and  most of them survived ! But other glasses did not at all.

These are my crystal  wedding glasses no need to say they are very fragile!
They are going on the top shelf

And that is the rest of some of my glasses. I have spent one hour cleaning and vacuuming!

8 commentaires:

  1. Oh dear, that must have been horrible for you. It is always sad to lose precious things, but at least you were not too badly hurt.

  2. I'm sorry you had so many lovely glasses broken but how wonderful that you were not badly hurt.

  3. Well, darn, that's not good. Broken glasses, but thankfully not broken you.

  4. Oh Catherine! I'm so sorry. I'm glad you're ok, but I bet you'll be sore. And it's sad to lose some of the wedding glasses.
    Your cupboard looks good!

  5. I'm so glad you are okay. Falling can be so damaging.

  6. I am very sorry that your glasses were broken. Just be well, that's what's important.

  7. Oh, my goodness!! I'm so sorry you had a fall...I'm just glad you are alright! Glasses are just "stuff"...

  8. Oh, dear! So good it went well with you! Sorry about the glasses. Be careful!


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