mercredi 3 juillet 2024

Young visitors at granny ‘s

Hello Friends 

Yesterday, Maxime and William discovered the forest 🌳 ! Only palm trees in Dubaï and no forest.

Today we have been to the market to discover the hens, ducks, rabbits… Maxime said he was scared but fascinated by the animals.

We also went to the toy shop to get new toys and a little 

Bike . The radishes planted by Maxime and grandpa are growing !

After the morning to the market, granny had a little nap 💤 I had forgotten how tiring it was with two small kids at home! Hope grandma will survive 😂 !


lundi 1 juillet 2024


Here we are!
Baby William and big brother Maxime have arrived!
Maxime loves thé small garden we have created for them, loves his new bed too and his many toys.
We are going to the toy shop this afternoon a very big one!
Maxim ´d playing with grandpa 

And sowing radishes.
I am a very busy grandma at the moment I’ll try to read your blog when they are asleep 💤 

Young visitors at granny ‘s

Hello Friends  Yesterday, Maxime and William discovered the forest 🌳 ! Only palm trees in Dubaï and no forest. Today we have been to the ma...