samedi 13 juillet 2024

Outing to the zoo

Yesterday was a family outing to the zoo which is 30 mn from home.
Maxime decided to go with the wallabies!
With grandpa watching some monkeys

Such a beautiful colour 

Miniature donkeys

 I was so tired that I went to bed very early grandpa replaced me. Today,family crêpes party and last weekend before they leave. The next week will be very busy!

5 commentaires:

  1. Another fun outing! Maxime looks very cute and happy with the ice cream. I was thinking while reading this that I would be very tired, and I see you were. Hope you had a good rest!

  2. It looks like Maxim had a great time at the zoo,
    he did lots of different things!
    Have a beautiful week !

  3. What wonderful memories Maxime will take home with him.

  4. Hang in there and relish every moment you can. It all goes too fast.

  5. That must have been a delight, seeing Maxime enjoy all the animals. I sure understand about getting tired out. Little ones can exhaust a grandma.


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