lundi 24 octobre 2022

Back to childhood.

As I told you Friday, Mr L has re built the Maileg’s house this weekend. It is quite large and takes a big space.
I am still looking for some missing mice, the grandparents, the bride and bridegroom.
I don’t remember where they are???

This is the laundry ( I am expecting the iron and iron board)

The dining room

Some items are missing in the kitchen, but I will
Get the cooker soon. Cupboards are needed!
The baby and children ´si bedroom.

 The pram and three sisters being waiting for their room to be installed!

A lot to is left! Decorating the house and buy from time to time some new items to comment l’été the installation of the rooms.
It’s nice to be back to childhood we had a nice time to build the house!
Yesterday there have been some tornadoes close to where we live ( we are not used to this kind of météo events here)
Today we must still be vigilant.
I wish you a good week!

6 commentaires:

  1. Oh my. Knowing that tornadoes were spotted nearby would be a worry. Strange how the weather patterns are changing.
    The Maileg house is a dream come true. You have quite a large family of mice to live in it too.

  2. My in-laws put together a doll house when my kids were babies. He built it and she decorated and furnished it. It was a two story American farm house style of the early 1900's era and it was a masterpiece. When they passed we brought it home and then a second generation played with it. Recently we packed it all up and and it is now stored in the garage. We don't know what will happen to it when we have to more into assisted living, or pass, but then will be someone else's decision.

  3. Wow! The house is just gorgeous! I love all the details you have in it. It's a treasure.
    Glad you are safe from the tornadoes!

  4. How strange the weather is in so many places around the world. Tornadoes in France is very odd.
    The Maileg house is very sweet. What a lot of fun you had putting it back together. So many details in the rooms.

  5. Wonderful!!!! Your husband is talented! And so are you, to decorate it.

    Unusual weather, I imagine. -sigh-

    "Hark! The wind is rising,
    And the air is full of leaves.
    We've had our summer evenings.
    Now, for October Eves."


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....