samedi 30 novembre 2024

Dear plumber!

Hello Friends,
Yesterday, I painted my clay stars and gingerbreads

And I started the decoration of the stair railing 

 Last night I wanted to take a shower, but… the tap 🚰 came off broken! So the water was dripping and I had to cut the water and call the plumber who should come today. No need to tell you that during a weekend it will cost us quite a LOT!

I am expecting the plumber… with the hope he’ll come!

vendredi 29 novembre 2024

A good Friend …

Hello Friends,
I did not made this patchwork , but a good Friend of mine Jennifer .
The lady from the family I was living with during a year in Middlesex  England.
I recieved a mail from her husband yesterday announcing me me she was gone, she was 77 .
I want to pay a tribute to her, because she was such a good person, caring for others and a loving mum of  three children.  
When I was living with her family I was in my twenties and she taught me sewing and knitting, I even did some watercolour with her husband and was considered as a member of the family. Every Sunday  they invited me to their Sunday meal with roast beef and Yorkshire pudding 
She was giving a lot of her time  and was a great volunteer 
Always caring for others.
She said that she finished her blanket after thirty years but she had time  to achieve it.
This is made of pieces of her children clothes and I know all the family is very sad and I join them in their sorrow.


jeudi 28 novembre 2024


 Hello Friends,

Let me show you the fun Xmas glasses I found I the Netherlands . I found some Xmas crackers in France ( not easy to get here) and my daughter brought mince pies and mince meat from Dubai.

This morning I phoned the butcher to order a goose for Xmas. I like to cook a fruit and nut stuffing goose from my Crabtree & Evelyn cook book brought from England.

Everybody love it!20 ingredients in the stuffing! This Saturday Mr L will drive me to the shop to get all I need

As it takes a long time I will freeze it until Christmas.

I just had a look on Amazon I payed it 19£95 it is now 103 €! I bought it in the 90’s.

So expensive now!

The Christmas tree 🌲 is arriving tomorrow evening.

Yesterday, between resting and watching Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple I began to paint the stars and made some clay gingerbread. They are drying and I will have to paint them, it will be part of the stair railing decoration with pine cones and dried orange slices.

With rest and medication I begin to feel better and it reassures me to be able to do something before the children’s arrival in two weeks!

mercredi 27 novembre 2024

A quiet Autumn day.

Hello Friends,

Watching Miss Marple and doing paper crafts at the same time. This morning I made orange and Whisky jam.

And this afternoon I prepared the jam jars still got some label to print.

I cut a lot of paper crafts to hang in the boys room.

Look at what I found to put in Santa’s letter box!
Two 3D Xmas cards for the boys.

When opened!

I also got my favourite white Amaryllis 

Orange jam!( on top. Organic ones)

 And finally one of the chocolate muffins I baked yesterday.

I am feeling better with the treatment for the moment, but rest a lot before the rush. Tomorrow I’ll try to go and order the food for Christmas Eve and day. It is time!
The Xmas tree has not been delivered yet! Hope it arrives very soon!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!

lundi 25 novembre 2024

This and that…

Hello Friends!
Saturday I was not feeling too well so grandpa did some shopping on his own, but yesterday I was a little better so we went out in the afternoon it was 17 degrees C!
We gained 17 degrees in one day???
One of The only shops opened  on Saturday had some Christmas decorations, so we bought some for the garden and also some lights.

This morning I made some jam and little pots of jams I found yesterday for the children .
Banana coconut and yellow kiwis and grapefruit.

Grandpa built the baby bouncer for William 

Grandma had a rest colouring a Christmas picture from my Dutch magazine “Daphne’s diary”

 And this is  a part of what fell from the roof, better not be underneath!

Now I will prepare the meals and rest, knitting and watching tv, not doing much!
I feel a little better with the treatment for the moment waiting for my clinic appointment in December.

vendredi 22 novembre 2024

Bye, bye snow!⛄️ ❄️

 This is our very strange weather! We will have 16 C  on Sunday!

During the night we had power cuts the snow begins to melt, but some more is due this morning and that’s all!

My husband had to drive up the hill last evening and go down this morning but the roads were clear.

Yesterday, I stayed still inside trying slowly to recover and taking my heart treatment waiting for my clinic  appointment in December.

These day I bought the Xmas decorations magazines and in one I saw a DIY with self hardening clay and Xmas biscuits cutters.

Not difficult to make and I was sitting, no effort!

They are drying for a few days and then I will have to paint them and hang for Xmas!🎄 

I am also cutting and making Xmas decorations for the boys. I had a Skype with our son yesterday to show the snow to Maxime and have a chat with him. He is very happy to take the plane to visit us soon!

MR L is going to give me a help this weekend as I am really not feeling well. We had plenty to do this weekend, but unfortunately he will have to do all by himself.

We will see next week, hope my health improves.

jeudi 21 novembre 2024

A surprising SNOW ⛄️!

Silver snowflakes a beautiful music and ballerina 
Looking like the snow flakes dancing in the wind.

By 11 today!
I ventured to go out to take this roses pictures under the snow!
Snow storm called Caetano very unusual ! We could have 10cm snow today!

Now it is snowing a lot and Mr L may have problems to come home tonight as he will have a steep slope to climb
And as we did not have snow anymore we did not buy snow tires.
Hello friends 

I said, I was going to do a blog pause…but something very unusual happened today! SNOW!

We did not had snow for long and it arrived all of a sudden!it is constantly snowing and I am resting at home for the moment, so no need to go out for me.

 I don’t know how much snow we are going to get by the end of the day!

This and that…

We had a gift from a patient! Dates for my walnut and dates loaf! How nice directly from North Africa they are always delicious!😋 now I kno...