lundi 25 novembre 2024

This and that…

Hello Friends!
Saturday I was not feeling too well so grandpa did some shopping on his own, but yesterday I was a little better so we went out in the afternoon it was 17 degrees C!
We gained 17 degrees in one day???
One of The only shops opened  on Saturday had some Christmas decorations, so we bought some for the garden and also some lights.

This morning I made some jam and little pots of jams I found yesterday for the children .
Banana coconut and yellow kiwis and grapefruit.

Grandpa built the baby bouncer for William 

Grandma had a rest colouring a Christmas picture from my Dutch magazine “Daphne’s diary”

 And this is  a part of what fell from the roof, better not be underneath!

Now I will prepare the meals and rest, knitting and watching tv, not doing much!
I feel a little better with the treatment for the moment waiting for my clinic appointment in December.

4 commentaires:

  1. Hello, my friend. It looks quite cozy in your part of the world. Have a nice evening!

  2. It's great to know you're feeling better.
    Those are interesting flavours of jam💗

  3. I'm so glad you are feeling a little better and resting! So much to look forward to in a little while. Looks like you are getting well prepared.

  4. You need to rest. Please do so! I'm glad you're feeling a little better.
    The jam looks good.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....