jeudi 7 novembre 2024

Matchbox Xmas gift.

 While we were in the Netherlands, we needed a little bit of “sugar, confort food” and we bought ourselves two Italian biscuits, mine was with limoncello and my husband with almond. As soon as I saw the little box for the biscuits I had an idea! And next I bought “Country Living “ magazine and there is something about matchbox gift.

I can’t put the picture, but if you get the magazine you’ll find it. In fact I did it my own way.

It was of this colour before.

This morning I began my painting work.

Beginning the painting, but the weather is very greyish and it is difficult to work with the light.
There will be rocks, lighthouses and boats. I already did part of the clouds ( need to add a little grey)
Put some of the seagulls. The big white paint will support one lighthouse. Better to have a white background.

These will be the waves, rocks and lighthouses upside down 🙃. BUT! I am too impatient and had a problem with the stickers ( the paint was not dry enough, did it yesterday, but paint is really dry after a few days.

I manage to repair my impatience!

Hope it will stick correctly on the paint. Then I will have to put the varnish.

It is going to be a stressful job ! Wish me good luck not to ruin the whole thing.

To be continued…

5 commentaires:

  1. The matchbox is so very cute!
    I know your paint job will turn out perfect, I can't wait to see more!

  2. Love the little box!! Cleaver! And can't wait to see the finished project!!
    Happy weekend!

  3. What a clever thing to do with the box!

  4. Hej Catherine,
    De doosjes hebben een mooie metamorfose gehad. Ik ben ook benieuwd naar het resultaat van de kast. De wolken en vogels zijn al leuk.
    Lieve groet Willy


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....