mercredi 27 novembre 2024

A quiet Autumn day.

Hello Friends,

Watching Miss Marple and doing paper crafts at the same time. This morning I made orange and Whisky jam.

And this afternoon I prepared the jam jars still got some label to print.

I cut a lot of paper crafts to hang in the boys room.

Look at what I found to put in Santa’s letter box!
Two 3D Xmas cards for the boys.

When opened!

I also got my favourite white Amaryllis 

Orange jam!( on top. Organic ones)

 And finally one of the chocolate muffins I baked yesterday.

I am feeling better with the treatment for the moment, but rest a lot before the rush. Tomorrow I’ll try to go and order the food for Christmas Eve and day. It is time!
The Xmas tree has not been delivered yet! Hope it arrives very soon!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!

4 commentaires:

  1. You've been very busy and the preparations look wonderful. I think the boys will be thrilled.

  2. Those 3D Christmas cards are unique and I like them a lot. Your White Amaryllis will hopefully open by Christmas Day.

  3. Oh oui, cette merveilleuse confiture d'orange... Moi aussi, je fais beaucoup de confiture, mais je n'ai jamais fait de confiture d'orange auparavant, je ne saurais même pas comment la faire.
    Les petits gâteaux au chocolat sont également délicieux... et les petites décorations sont magnifiques...
    Le premier Avent est en vue, même si je suis encore un peu en automne :-)) la neige qui était apparue a déjà disparu.
    Le dimanche soir on raccroche l'étoile de l'Avent et puis je suis dans la fièvre de Noël... surtout depuis l'ouverture des marchés de Noël.
    Des bisous de Viola

  4. In my childhood I had a 3D book. Every page looked like the postcards you found for your grandchildren. I also got that book for Christmas. Unfortunately, I do not have it now.
    It is good to read that you are feeling better now.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....