jeudi 14 novembre 2024

Busy time!🕰️

Today, it is raining and all dark and I have nearly finished to paint and decorate the armoire only one side to varnish 
Maxime’s bed is ready
The front garden today

 Hello Friends!

On Tuesday I had my COVID injection and yesterday I was feeling pretty bad. I did the grocery shopping and put the varnish on the armoire, but it was really painful.

Next vaccination Whooping cough there is a lot at the moment here and I did not have it since long.

Today I feel better, but must go to my appointment dentist to do my 3D scan before he puts my two implants and prescribes antibiotics. I am really scared 😟!

My dentist is one of my son’s friends he tries to reassure me but I am not.

On Monday, that was a bank holiday we saw the police in the field next to our garden the 4 sheep have been killed next to us, during the evening we were watching tv when I heard dog barking but did not pay too much attention 

There may be stray dogs attacked, we are close to the forest and in some places wolves are back and attack the sheep but the noise I heard was more of a hunting dog.there should be an investigation to see if it is wolves that’s why the police was there. We are back to red riding hood’s times! Scary for neighbours geese and hens!

Last night I did the parcel for the boys police car and also did some other Xmas presents. My son confirmed this morning that the plane tickets were bought and that they are arriving on the 14 th of December . I have to anticipate!
The Xmas tree is already ordered and grandma will be very busy! 

See you soon! Have a good day.

3 commentaires:

  1. I should go to the dentist, but I always put it off. It doesn't hurt, so I stay at home instead of going to him.
    I had 4 injections against Covid, but it was a long time ago. I'll ask for a new one.
    The rain was gray yesterday, the sun came out today. I prefer dark weather. I've already done the shopping, now I'm staying at home.
    December 14 and the following days will be good days for you! :)
    The photos are nice, especially of Maxime and your son.
    Hugs, Éva

  2. You must be looking forward to seeing them again!

  3. You are doing so well in the preparations! The armoire looks really nice.
    Very sad about the sheep.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....