samedi 16 novembre 2024

Shopping and Christmas decorations.

Today, we went to get a police 👮 costume for Maxime to go with the police car, some toys for little William and a child chair adapter and a child potty which makes noise when you flush the toilet! 😂

Then we went to “Desjardins” the big garden center, to have lunch, look at the Xmas decorations and donate food for the stray cats. When they are we will take the boys to see the big and beautiful decorations.

This is the restaurant we often go when we do our Saturday shopping. Always at the same table!


8 commentaires:

  1. We always used to visit Desjardins and admire the wonderful Christmas decorations!

  2. Endless variety of Christmas decorations. It is not easy to choose.
    We have a favourite restaurant and always sit at the same table.:)

  3. So many pretty Christmas decorations. Maxime and William will certainly enjoy all of the things you are planning for them.

  4. The police outfit will be a great hit for Maxime I'm sure. All the pretty decorations look so lovely! 🧑‍🎄

  5. Hello! What a wonderful day for you two! I love the items you chose, and looking at the beautiful decorations is something I used to do with Madison when she was young! Have a cozy afternoon, my friend.

  6. I love Christmas shops but I am not ready for them yet. I'll wait until after Thanksgiving to really look at them.

  7. What a fun place to go! Looks like you're doing well in the preparations!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....