mardi 25 juin 2024

French goodies!

I found this soft toy for the grandsons!
This morning the boiler have been cleaned for the winter.
Three different heart shape cookies
Three sorts of cookies
Little Finznciers
Calvados apples
During our weekend, we went to a hand made cookies shop and many « goodies » as Maxime would say!

He loves goodies, so granny and grandpa went to get all sorts of goodies for dad and son.

A LOT of cookies boxes

All about violets. I bought violet sugar
Violet jam, violet syrup …

All you need for baking! 

 Baking frosting…

Today, I have been grocery shopping and this afternoon starting cooking and baking and freezing, I’ll continue tomorrow !

lundi 24 juin 2024

Le Landemer urville nacqueville Cotentin.

Hello friends,

I am back for a few days. We had a very hard time when our son was I’ll and stayed in hospital in Dubaï.
We have been very worried, now he is feeling better and they should arrive next weekend if he is well enough.
This weekend was the weekend of our Birthday gift from our children, so we closed the gate and went away to relax. It was a nice hotel with a very nice sea view and a gastronomic meal.
We arrived on Friday evening, unpacked and put our clothes in the wardrobe, then went to have supper outside. « L’Auberge des Grottes » jobourg.
On top of the cliff ( land’s end)
We had a nice meal and a nice relaxed evening there.

This view is from our hotel restaurant 

But something désagréable happened to me !
When I wanted to get dressed for the supper at the restaurant my garments had been stolen!
It’s the first time i had stolen clothes in a hotel!
I was disappointed and very angry and when I noticed the problem they considered me as a liar…I am so disappointed !
But they accepted a refund as I had just bought the garment but did not have time to wear it I had the shop ticket. It is a pity such things happen in such a place!
The most important is that our son gets better!
The next day, we visited the British Second World War m new memorial

When going to a famous biscuit shop we discovered this Medieval fortifications 
this is the vintage biscuit shop. Not only biscuits, but jam, spices, alcohol….

Cherries in alcohol 

Beautiful English china

View from the room
Smallest harbour of France Port Racine

We visited and got lost in the exotic garden ( Vauville)

Now it is getting hot here I think Summer has finally arrived!
Have a nice week.

mardi 11 juin 2024

Busy, busy, busy…

Hello Friends,

Just a quick hello in a busy day.
Cleaning 🧽 and preparing baby items before our outing, only one weekend left before we go and then the grandchildren will arrive!

Our daughter and SIL arrived at Amsterdam today!
A « clafoutis » for a break!
Chair is ready
A downstairs cradle is ready
Downstairs changing place
The little chair is clean and ready. Now I must prepare the baby bed upstairs, baby bath in the upstairs bathroom, changing place and clean Maxime’s bath 🛁 then prepare the grocery and cook, put some dishes in the freezer and bake some cookies !
Here are the news!
See you soon with some pictures from our outing.

jeudi 6 juin 2024

Busy days and Happy days!

 Hello Friends !

This morning the sun shines! We will have a nice weekend and we will be able to do a barbecue.

We have a lot of work to catch up  in the garden and we’ll be busy before our vacations.

The children are arriving soon and I will have to plan cooking and outings for their holidays here.

Our vacations will be before their arrival.

Last night I received a message from our son who is in Egypt for his work. He has sent me pictures that make me think of Hercule Poirot’s Agathe Christie!

His hôtel 

Tomorrow our daughter and SIL are leaving for the Netherlands. They are going by car to the north of France, leave their car and go by bike to Amsterdam !
 So we are a busy family for the moment !

I will come sometimes on my blog until august as I must welcome our grandchildren, especially Maxime 
Who I first met when he was 5 months old and now nearly 2 and a half and I am so impatient to hold them in my arms!
William is a nice baby of  5 months in July and he will need our attention too.
So, I am going to take a break and try to visit your blogs during the Summer.

See you soon and take good care!

French goodies!

I found this soft toy for the grandsons! This morning the boiler have been cleaned for the winter. Three different heart shape cookies Three...