vendredi 11 février 2022

Taking my suitcases out !

Today, it was sunny and I decided to go for some exercise.
It was mid day and the church bells rang.

 Some Flowers from the garden.
I took my suitcases out of the dressing and get slowly prepared to go to Dubai. It is two years since I went to visit my son .

Choosing my summer clothes. It will be about 30C in March.

This the last piece I found at the end of the sales.
I got these shoes last year while the Summer sales and last week I ordered the same ones in white, they are very confortable for walking.
This green summer bag.

So, I will be very busy until then and I will see you with some pictures after I had my negative test and go from home to Paris and Paris to Dubai and should arrive by midnight  and finally go to bed!
See you soon.( my suitcases are very colourful so I can find them in the middle of black plain suitcases!)

5 commentaires:

  1. Katherine,het kan niet anders zijn dan dat het vrolijke klokgelui een voorbode is van een fantastische tijd die in aantocht is. Eindelijk weer een reis maken met bezoek aan je zoon en schoondochter. Ga je in die tijd ook nog oma worden?
    Geniet van alle voorbereidingen!

    Lieve groet,

  2. Beautiful church bells! And love your flowy white shirt.

    Dubai! WOW. Have fun.

  3. Have a wonderful trip. How lovely to be going towards the sun!

  4. Those flowers are so pretty!
    So are your outfits. Happy travels!


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