mardi 18 mars 2025

Back home and back to housework !

This morning I went to get Bandit at the kennel, he was very happy to see me and jumped into the car!

Saint Jans  hospital pharmacy ( dispensary)

These are my finds four pairs of mittens and a head band as it was cold.

I know a shop where they have Maileg accessories and found a nice tea set and the vacuum cleaner I was looking for for

Bruges prints
Chocolates of course 
Cuberdons ( I did not know before my daughter asked me to bring some.

This is the puzzle my husband is struggling with the sky!

 We came back last night and today we are having our tees trimmed. I am stressed to see the professional up the tree with all the security but you never know…we have 6 trees to be done.

Hope you enjoy your week!
As you can see we are having our tees beautiful weather!

5 commentaires:

  1. This sure looks like a wonderful time away. I would be so interested in seeing that dispensary. I bet your husband enjoyed it.
    The little vacuum cleaner is so cute!
    That puzzle looks like a tough one.
    I wouldn't want to be that far up the tree.

  2. How interesting the old dispensary is. You found some cute things on your trip - I like the artwork of Bruges and the little Maileg vacuum cleaner. Enjoy the beautiful weather!

  3. Nice to be back in your own home after a lovely time away. I can imagine Bandit's joy when he saw you.
    The Maileg accessories are so cut.

  4. We are waiting for a call back on having one maple tree trimmed, but I think it can be done from the ground. Our very big Madrone tree is mostly cut up now, with clean up yet to do. Son and grandson have helped.


DIY placemats and table scape.

Hello Friends, This morning it is cloudy ⛅️ and we’re expecting some rain 🌧️ so no terrace cleaning today, it’ll be delayed to tomorrow. My...