dimanche 29 décembre 2024

Our day outing

We left this morning for Falaise Castle, civil war museum and  automaton museum. It was the second time I went to the civil war museum we only went with my husband who did not see it before. This town has been destroyed during the Second World War and many around, such as Caen…

I could not go up to the tower, but my son took a picture for me. It was William the conqueror Castle.
Grandpa and Maxime

The automaton museum

 I hope you’ll have a nice last day of the year! It will be very quite for us, I will only make a buffet with different little dishes and an ice cream at the end.

7 commentaires:

  1. I also hope that you will have nice last days of the year. I will spend the last one with M. He is here now and staying until Saturday. You had a nice outing.

  2. Your outings looks very nice. I am sure it is nice to have family visiting!

  3. I always enjoy it when you take us along on your interesting outings.
    No big plans here for New Years Eve or Day.

  4. This looks like another fun outing. I like the photo of Grandpa and Maxime!
    We have my sister and BIL coming for New Years eve, otherwise will be quiet for us too.

  5. The Museum seems amazing,
    to remind us how much evil wars cause. It was a nice day for you.
    May the new year bring Health, Peace, Love and Happiness.

  6. The street close to where I live is named Caen, and a little further away is Falaise Street. These streets were named in honour of Canadian soldiers who fought in WWII. How interesting to visit the castle.
    Happy New Year, dear Catherine. I hope 2025 will be filled with health and joy.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....