lundi 2 décembre 2024

Cooking and baking day!

I was doing this for Christmas when I was a child. Did you do the same?
With a little bit of oil 
( picture taken from Noel’s traditional book)

Tonight I am relaxing and looking at old Christmas books to look for new ideas.
This weekend was a busy one for my husband.
He decided to sort out all the boxes in the garage , take the old one to the rubbish and get new clean ones, he also built three shelves to put the boxes neat and clean! Now the second garage is in order!
Then we went to the discount shop to get more outside decorations and inside decorations.

Today, I made endive and apple soup with nutmeg.
And carrot soup with ground cumin.
With my new soup maker
I found bigger jars like “Bonne maman” jars

 This is the Guilty! 400 euros to have a new one installed on Friday. 😂 

Now there is a nice smell in the house! Baking a fruit cake for the freezer waiting for the children and grandchildren to arrive next week.
My appointment to the clinic is next week, for the moment I am a little better, but with 5 medicines a day, we will see
Old age 😂 .

6 commentaires:

  1. I like the outside decorations. The soup sounds lovely and I'm sure it tastes great.

  2. I've seen the candles of oil in orange peels but never tried it. Bet it smells wonderful!
    Your husband did good with all that sorting and organizing. It always feels good to get it done.
    Glad the plumbing will soon be fixed!

  3. Christmas preparations and ideas!
    The best!!

  4. I love that book, it certainly gives you a lot of ideas. I am happy that you are better now, but you are taking a lot of medicines a day. I wish you all the best! Your grandchildren and their parents will be with you soon.

  5. I actually don't know this orange peel light, but we didn't have many oranges when I was a child... good that you're feeling better. And it's so nice that your family is coming together. The most beautiful thing there is.
    I love soups and cakes. I would like to taste it with you :-))))
    All kind wishes for you. Happy Advent greetings come to you from Viola.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....