dimanche 29 décembre 2024

Our day outing

We left this morning for Falaise Castle, civil war museum and  automaton museum. It was the second time I went to the civil war museum we only went with my husband who did not see it before. This town has been destroyed during the Second World War and many around, such as Caen…

I could not go up to the tower, but my son took a picture for me. It was William the conqueror Castle.
Grandpa and Maxime

The automaton museum

 I hope you’ll have a nice last day of the year! It will be very quite for us, I will only make a buffet with different little dishes and an ice cream at the end.

samedi 28 décembre 2024

A visit to the Vikings.

Tomorrow ´s forteresse  in Falaise
We are having frost and fog and some beautiful sun in the afternoons. My son took this picture
Yesterday after the fog has gone.
I want to thank Mari from «  my little corner of the world » for her Christmas gifts for our two grandchildren ! 
These are very sweet toys and they enjoy them very much.
This was one more surprise for them at Christmas !🎄 
Thank you
Today, was a day out to Rouen Vikings museum. We live in Normandy ( the Nord man country) our roots is a mix of Francs and Danish Vikings and it’s popular among young people who are very proud of the region history. So a new museum has opened to explain how our part of France became Normandy.
Dad with Maxime on Viking

 Dad with William. It is rather scary ! Our history is scary 😟 !

Tomorrow we should visit a fortress and an automaton museum .

jeudi 26 décembre 2024

Christmas Day and Christmas presents.

Hello Friends!

We had a nice Christmas and I hope you had a nice one too!
A family one! This year we were all together with one more grandson William 10 months old.
We exchanged a lot of presents!
I received a perfumer console to make my own perfume.
Some ready made perfume by Mr L and some puzzles.

One of my puzzle was bought by my daughter in Dubai when she visited her brother and the other one in London by my son without telling each other
They had the same idea ( how strange!) but the best present was having our children with us !
Tomorrow, I will have a break ! Go to the hairdresser early morning.

 Today, Grandma went grocery shopping ( a lot!)

Christmas is over and we had a nice family Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

We received quite a lot of Christmas presents 🎁!

We both had some Agatha Christie’s puzzles and we started one yesterday afternoon.

My daughter helped me a lot, the goose was well cooked and the cakes ( buches) delicious. I had no time to take pictures, as  we were very busy with the children.

Today, they are gone to Rouen and this afternoon after tidying and cleaning the house I am resting before baking muffins for Maxime, cranberry muffins, radins muffins and chocolate muffins. Better go too bake before they come back!

mardi 24 décembre 2024

Christmas menu🎄.

Foie gras is ready in the fridge …
Smoked salmon underneath ready to go in a dish
With toast…

Fruit stuffed goose is ready to go in the oven for 2 and a half hours… the Bûches 🪵 ( logs cakes ) are ready… chestnuts and orange.
Christmas crackers from London…

This year Christmas decorations on the table, no tablecloth but placemats in case one pulled the tablecloth 😂 

And we will drink “iced cider” a very special one!

 This is our menu! I hope your enjoy yours wherever you live! Best wishes!

lundi 23 décembre 2024

Between Hail and thunder!

Yesterday I was feeling a little better after a week and with our son we decided to go and see a play in the”
 Chateau du champ de bataille” it was the second day and last one before Christmas.🎄 
In the afternoon we had thunderstorm and a hailstorm, so we decided to at the last minute and paid on line. And then we had to hurry to arrive before the beginning of the of the play. It was the first time I saw such a play where you follow the actors in different room of the casts and this play was part of the castle history. It was a short play and then we went outside in the gardens, I should say that we tried, because the storm started again and we had to rush to the car!

 This was on our arrival 3 PM a little sun but very dark!

Tomorrow evening all the family will be gathered on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 
I wish you Happy Holiday!

vendredi 20 décembre 2024

Stuck at home!

My paper houses survived for the moment just having lost one window shutter!

Hello friends!

Grandma is alone today! She should be out at Rouen Christmas market… but she is in bed with a virus like all Christmas since the beginning of COVID. Why on Christmas time!!!

So they are gone to Rouen to auntie Maud and the Christmas market.

My daughter is coming to help me tomorrow to prepare everything for Christmas. But as I was scared to be ill I anticipated a lot fortunately.

My white amaryllis is on time for the holidays 

 I hope to be better by Sunday to bake a little bit of Christmas cookies with Maxim. William will eat them!

lundi 16 décembre 2024

Christmas and family time 🕰️

Merry Christmas !🎄 to you!

Hello Friends,

Just a little time of rest and a few pictures of Christmas time in a castle close to our home.

Not much time to be on my blog at the moment but I wish you  in advance a very Merry Christmas to all my bog friends  if I don’t have time before Christmas.


dimanche 15 décembre 2024

They arrived!

Yesterday, they arrived ! Fortunately we feel better but tired.

Grandma has bought some warm clothes warm jackets in the Netherlands as it is cold.

Grandma got up at 4 AM , the children have been waking up early with three hours difference with their country, so grandma is very tired, but with a lot of hugs grandma is very happy 😃 

We did a little walk in the country this morning and Maxime said we were going in the jungle because of the lot of trees! I did not know I was living in the jungle 😂 

 In the afternoon we went to Desjardins a big garden centre with lots of Xmas decorations, eat at the restaurant and had a look at the fish, rabbits and birds.

William is not feeling too well because of his teeth and is now in bed, Maxime is playing with grandpa in his police car.
I am resting in my recliner before preparing the meal.
Finally after this first day grandma will sleep well… she hopes! See you soon for grandma ´s adventures!

jeudi 12 décembre 2024

Christmas bad luck!

 Hello Friends,

For three years I had COVID for Christmas and have spent Xmas in my bed! ( with vaccine) the nurse came two days ago for my blood test and she came last year at the same time to test me for covid and this time she told me “ I hope you’ll be better for Xmas” but… my husband was feeling tired this weekend and finally caught a virus! I was very cold yesterday and finally caught his virus!

I think we have the Christmas bad luck ! The children are arriving Saturday so we will have to wear a mask inside as much as possible, no hugs on their arrival!

Tomorrow we must wear a mask at the clinic.

This is why now I anticipate everything before Christmas time … in case… of the Christmas bad luck! lol

This morning I will rest in bed with our dog Bandit who is very happy!😊 

See you soon and take care❤️

A good day and a good race.

Maud took a selfie of herself because dad missed her arrival ! She ran  too fast !!! 😂 they missed each other! 21.1 kms in 2:02:17. Then we...