lundi 8 août 2022

A quick Hello!

At least our first meet! Nearly four months old.
Grandma has prepared everything to welcome the new member of our family!

 Just to say a quick Hello! And a nice 😃 smile!

We are very busy with this little boy and at the same time I am preparing our holidays in Frise North Netherlands. I already booked B&B, hotel in places of interest and even in a cube tiny house in the middle of a field! But Mr L will have a surprise by the choice of the accommodations!

( hotel Weidumerhout in Leeuwarden) I am impatient to try this new accommodation! ( picture from the net)
See you soon, take good care.

8 commentaires:

  1. What a lovely smile! Your accommodation looks very interesting.

  2. Oh those rosy cheeks on the little grandson are so cute.
    I look forward to hearing how you liked that little house in the field.

  3. Thank you for the smile, sweet little Maxime.

  4. Hello cute little Maxime! He is adorable! I know you are loving this time with him.
    Your Christmas getaway looks very nice.

  5. What an adorable little man! Enjoy the time with him!

  6. Maxime is adorable in those sunglasses, and with such a sweet smile. You must be so pleased, with a heart full of joy!


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