jeudi 20 février 2025

This and that…

How nice to stay in bed for Bandit when it is raining outside!
My “ Apple rose”

 Hello Friends,

Today will be grocery day, i don’t like to go to the supermarket, but until May it will be worse! The traffic between home and the supermarket will be blocked by road works until May!

We already had the same road blocked with road works for three months last year and it was terrible 😞 I wonder why they haven’t done all at once? So,I will have to find how to avoid the road works which are very dangerous! I first lit my essential oil lamp to “Relax” 😂 it has different colours and the upstairs one is tea-tree, the downstairs one is lavender.

After our breakfast and  Mr L has left for work, Bandit our dog is waiting for me and rushes upstairs to have a nap on a bed. He chooses the bedroom he wants to go!

Today our son is flying to London for his work, he will stay an until next Thursday. Maxime was ill with high fever but was feeling better yesterday and William is also better.

Before grocery, I have to go to the post office ( only open 2 hours in the afternoon) to post William and DIL’s Birthday presents and then do some cooking and baking and some watercolour if time left…

Something new THE pill box more pills 💊  due to aaaging 😂 

Yesterday I tried something I did long ago, “apple rose “ I  had only one apple, so I must get some more today, puff pastry, apricot jam and more icing sugar to bake a full “ bunch of roses!”

I am glad we did some nice outings when it was nice and cold, because today the rain is back!

I have better go if I want to do all I have to do today!

Enjoy your day!

5 commentaires:

  1. Bandit is adorable! And I'm sorry about the rain. I hope Maxime and William get better soon!!
    Love the rose!

  2. Bandit is so cute!
    Road construction is so frustrating. I know it has to be done, but it sure disrupts everything.
    Your apple rose is beautiful!

  3. Bandit looks very cozy and set for a rainy day indoors.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....