lundi 3 février 2025

A sunny 🌞 cold beginning of week.

Today, it’s still cold, but sunny and blue sky through the haze. 
Yesterday we had our lunch in a crĂȘperie in Honfleur, we discovered the organic without alcohol cider which was very tasty and good.
Then in the afternoon we had a waffle and a hot chocolate.
We decided  to leave on time before the rush on the motorway 🛣️ which is going to Paris.
It was the first time we use d the payment of the motorway on our phone and don’t have to stop and pay at the machines. ( we already used it in Dubai long ago)

I found a new book about watercolour to learn how to paint wild flowers.

On Saturday I went to my favourite clothing shop for the end of the sales. I received a message it was 70% off! I found three tops and three pairs of jeans.
Last week I reorganised my kitchen shelf 

And i sorted out my cook book and recipes. Today, it will be a quiet day. The nurse came this morning for my blood test, tomorrow I go to the hairdresser and this week  I’ll meet the young mother to give her  the clothes my grandchildren don’t need anymore, we must choose the day.
The sun 🌞 is here and I may go for a little walk!
Thank you for your visits, have a nice week!

5 commentaires:

  1. What beautiful dishes you have! All of them are very beautiful on your shelves. I hope you can walk in the sunshine. It is also sunny here. Have a nice week!

  2. You live in a world I can only dream about. How wonderful all the things you get to do and places to go too. All adventures to me.
    I love how you displayed your beautiful dishes. A nurse comes to you to do blood tests? Hope you are okay?

  3. I'm so happy you are getting some sunshine!
    Glad you got to take that trip and get away, and now back to usual life.
    Your dishes look very nice!
    Praying you have good results from the blook work.

  4. Hurrah for the new book on painting wild flowers; Also for new clothes bought 70% off !!!

  5. Your dishes are so pretty. It's fun to rearrange and organize shelves, isn't it?
    I'm glad the rain has stopped for now and you have sunshine. Your trip sounds lovely. Here we have snow!
    The watercolour book looks like fun!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....