lundi 10 février 2025

An ordinary weekend, an ordinary day.

(Source: ZZZOe)
( the river is called: La Charentonne)

 Hello friends,

 On Saturday,we went shopping in the little town of Bernay
Mr L had already bought a shirt on sale last week, but had seen another one he’d like! Fortunately it was still there!
Then we went to get new clothes for our grandson William to join his toy gift for his birthday beginning of March.
We had lunch in our favourite place, on our way went to my favourite shop and got a pair of new jeans with 70%off the last sales.
Then we decided to go to the bookshop in another place called Louviers and there I found a new cookbook, quick healthy recipes with my air fryer.

This is what I found for William, I already have got his Birthday present and a new parcel will be sent this week!
On Sunday we worked to sort out our numerous Christmas decorations and things we don’t need anymore.
Today, the weather is horrible and I did the usual laundry, vacuum…this afternoon i will rest a little and read.
Hope you enjoy your week.

(Our son bought an air fryer and does the cooking, so my job is to look for simple recipes and mailed him!)

8 commentaires:

  1. I like the clothes William gets for his birthday. He is getting older. I am sure he will be nice in his new clothes.

  2. I dont have an air fryer, but I'm sure your son will enjoy trying things out.

  3. I miss buying little one clothes! Those are adorable. Ordinary days are the best.

  4. It's fun to buy cute little kids clothes.
    Air fryers are apparently very popular now, but I don't have one and so far don't need one. It's good that there are recipe books for them though.

  5. I have a grandson named William - but he is much bigger than your guy. I love those little clothes - they were so cute.

  6. Buying clothes for little grandchildren is such a pleasure. William will be adorable in his outfit.
    February weather can be so changeable - snow one day, sun the next!

  7. Schattige kleding voor William. Mooie foto van Bernay. Fijne week!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....