mardi 3 mai 2022

Back home in the garden

Back home watering the garden and discovering new flowers 
This azalea was a gift from my father in law for Mother’s Day.

Rhododendrons in full bloom

 And the wisteria also blooming.

Today, is housework day and shopping day for the fridge!
We are having nice Spring weather 20C and 🌞.
Bandit his having a rest after his holidays at the kennel!
He does not really like to go and when it is the end he just rushes into the car.

3 commentaires:

  1. So much beauty now. We worked outside all day planting things while enjoying all the things that are blooming in our garden.

  2. Welcome home! Your garden is beautiful. We are still waiting, but do have daffodils now.

  3. Coming home is one of the best parts of a vacation. So glad you are enjoying warm weather in your beautiful garden.


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 Hello Friends  Yesterday I had a phone call from the garage, they finally found what was going wrong with the heater and replacing  the air...