mercredi 19 février 2025

Easter DIY.

First Air fryer potato chips!

Hello Friends,

During the lockdown I made quite a lot of little crafts and I made these little rabbit family for Easter. 🐣 

I also made Mr 🦊 fox

The rabbits have a basket of carrots and a basket of apples.

 They are made with felt.

It’s all for today! Have a nice day!

7 commentaires:

  1. Catherine - you are so talented! They are so very cute!
    How is William doing?

  2. Fantastic creations Catherine.
    Really very beautiful!!

  3. I remember when you were making them. They are wonderful and so skillfully made.

  4. You made those bunnies? They are so cute!

  5. I like the little rabbits; they are so cute!!

  6. What beautiful bunnies! You can create very nice things. You are very talented.
    M. went home yesterday, I'm alone. I read blogs while the washing machine is washing. I enjoy reading your blog and looking at your pictures.:) Hugs. Éva

  7. Your felt creatures are so sweet, Catherine!
