mercredi 12 février 2025

A good day, but a stressful evening.

Today, I went grocery shopping after my stop to my hairdresser. We had a glimpse of sun, so it was nice to drive in the country. I also went to get a present for our DIL and as I already bought William’s birthday present I thought I should buy a little one for Maxime . He will have his in April but I thought he would be sad not to have a present from grandma.

At home I had to put everything inside the fridge and decided to make some air fryer egg custard.🍮 when I received a message from my son telling me me that William was at the hospital urgencies! He is not feeling well and the doctors decided to keep him tonight ( with mon) so the end of the day is worrying, poor little William I must wait until tomorrow morning to get some news. Hope he will be better.

See you tomorrow !


7 commentaires:

  1. Sorry to hear about William. Keep us posted.
    That custard looks so good, and in an air fryer?

  2. Your custards look so good! I must try them.
    Poor little William! I am praying for him now. Please let me know how he is!

  3. Poor little man. I hope he gets better quickly.

  4. I hope William is okay. I know you are worried.

  5. I hope little William is well now and can come home.
