( from the net)
Hello Friends,
The latest storm was much more on our coast than here, but it is still raining a lot and the flooding will be increasing in some part of Normandy and Brittany unfortunately. We must wait until Saturday for a dry weather and a little bit of sun ☀️
The children and grandchildren having left beginning of January, I have got William’s clothes to donate ( he is growing so fast and they won’t come back before July)
Next week I will meet the young mother I have already given some baby clothes to give her some new ones and she invited me for coffee.☕️ Nice to meet new people!
It’s been boring to stay inside, so yesterday I began to declutter the cooking books. My husband took them for his waiting room so that people can take them home.
I am really impatient to be able to go out this weekend and breeze some fresh air without the pouring rain! 🌧️
Even Bandit doesn’t want To go out and stays in bed all morning!
But we are safe of the floodings and thinking of those people who have lost everything…
How nice it can be to give baby clothes and books as gifts. I'm glad you're meeting new people and having coffee.
RépondreSupprimerIt's sunny and 8 degrees. It would be a good time to go for a walk, but my back hurts a lot, so I'm staying inside. I hope it doesn't rain where you are and you can go out for some fresh air. Bandit is so nice when he is sleeping. Hugs.
I'm glad you are safe and praying the storms and flooding subsides.
RépondreSupprimerI know you are enjoying passing those clothes on to that young mom. What a blessing to her!
I received your comment on my blog this morning. It was good to hear from you and someone who lives in France. I have been there twice to visit and I love it. I would love your email. Mine is skcz@comcast.net so I can answer you privately when you write.
RépondreSupprimerI am going to throw or get rid of one thing a day for lent. I have a bunch of things I don't need. Sandie
I'm sure that young mother is very happy to receive the clothes that your grandsons have grown out of.
RépondreSupprimerThe storms and rain have been incessant in your region. I hope the sun shines soon for you.
Long ago as a young mom with 2 little girls I appreciated the hand-me-downs that I received. Especially nice little dresses 💗💗💗 I'm sure the mom that you give William's outgrown clothes to will be very thankful.