mercredi 22 janvier 2025


This is the cover of my travel book through Great Britain 🇬🇧 for my daughter.
This is the beginning of of the book, exploring beautiful wild part of the country for hiking.

When I was a student and stayed in United Kingdom 
I traveled from Land’s end to Ullapool, Thurso, the Hebrides and Orkney islands and i enjoyed all the beautiful landscapes. I was staying in Cotswolds which is also a beautiful place.
I also went to Wales. 
 With my family we stayed in a farm in Cornwall when the children were little. 
It was not easy for me to drive on the left with our French car, so when I went to Scotland I hired a car and it was much easier for me to drive through the narrow roads.

 Then when my son was 18 we went together travelling through the Highlands before he left home for University in Paris.

Younger and thinner ! 😂 
Waiting to embark on the boat to the Loch Ness!

Now I am waiting for a parcel to arrive.
I ordered the shelf that goes with all the bottles my son gifted me for Christmas. I discovered that in Rouen there is a place where you can learn how to mix the different drops to make you own perfume , I think I’ll go and take a course before I use mine as it seems quite difficult.
Today, it is grey and back to rain and it is very noisy as the neighbours are baby their big trees trimmed, two days noise! But things must be done and soon it will be our turn!

I received my shelf and I have put the perfume scent on it
It is quite small and arrived well packed in two boxes from Paris. I will have to read and take a course before before I can make a single perfume! I have other bottles and tools upstairs. 

3 commentaires:

  1. You're beautiful! Love this book!

  2. Perfume making sounds like a very interesting activity. Do let us know how it goes.
    You traveled a lot in the UK!
