dimanche 24 octobre 2021

It’s not time that goes by it’s us who cross it…

 Hello Friends,

Today, I want to share a picture with you. This is a picture of my son in Venice taken by his wife. He is 33 now and will be a father  next Spring!

I did not realise how tall was my son! Our children are growing so quickly! time flies so quickly, don’t you think so?

I wish you a lovely week.

Result of the dehydrator. The oranges stayed 10 hours at 70 degrees. The result is nice, it has kept the colours and they are shiny, ready for Xmas DIY!

(The dehydrator is a bit noisy for those interested, but effective!)

4 commentaires:

  1. Ja kleine kinderen worden snel groot en volwassen en helemaal mooi dat je zoon en schoondochter ouders gaan worden en jullie grootouders. Dat wordt een prachtige fase in het leven.En ik spreek uit ervaring, onze kleinzoon(26) en kleindochter(22 jaar)
    Foto van je zoon heeft iets mystieks......ben dol op dit soort foto's!

    Fijne dag en lieve groet,

  2. Love the photo of your son, it is very atmospheric :)

  3. That is a really great photo!
    Glad the dehydrator worked so well.

  4. That's a really lovely photo of your son.
    I look forward to seeing what you do with the dried orange slices.
